Welcome to Class 2
Class 2 currently includes Year 2 and 3 children. The class is taught by Miss Jackson.
In Class 2 we aim to make learning an enjoyable experience for all children within a caring environment. Children in Class 2 love to learn through a creative curriculum and we believe that children find such work more engaging; increasing the likelihood of learning and retention of information.
We remain motivated through the adventure of learning, enjoying subjects creatively and solving problems. We try new things, take risks and acknowledge and learn from our mistakes. We strive to be the best we can be.
The classroom displays are heavily relied upon in our class, with rewards, and certificates given out for effort, behaviour and outstanding work. In Class 2 all children are valued as individuals and as such, we work towards all children becoming happy, confident, independent, creative, secure, caring individuals who achieve success and develop a love of learning. We are friendly, imaginative and caring class that promotes respect and politeness, and love to work as a team.
We provide a full and rich curriculum to our children with lots of exciting learning opportunities, including regular visits to the beach. Maths and English are taught daily.
In Class 2, we are passionate about reading and enjoy sharing stories and books together daily. Each child has their own reading record, which moves between home and school alongside their reading book to record what has been read at home and in class each day. We encourage reading at home every day - it really does make a difference! We appreciate parents'/carers' support in this.
General information
PE: Our PE lessons are on a Tuesday and Friday. PE kit should include black/navy shorts or jogging bottoms and white t-shirt; all of this should be clearly named and labelled. Hair should be tied back, and any earrings should be removed.
TTRS/Numbots: All children have access to TTRS and Numbots. These apps support children with mental recall of number bonds and times-tables. Children have their login details in their reading records.
Miss L Jackson
September 2024
Curriculum Autumn Term Overview Year 2
Curriculum Autumn Term Overview Year 3
Class 2 Curriculum Overview 2024-2025 (under review)