Yorkshire Coast Education Partnership
Sports Premium
The Sports Premium was introduced to fund improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils so that they develop healthy lifestyles. It is allocated to schools to work with all pupils and schools are free to spend the Sports Premium as they see fit.
At Seton Community Primary School our vision is to ensure that all children are offered rich opportunities and memorable experiences, regardless of their backgrounds. We particularly aim to encourage a love of physical activity amongst those children who would not ordinarily choose sports. By accessing a wide range of sports through our local sports partnership and the provision of new and exciting sports in school, we hope to provide sporting opportunities which will appeal to everyone.
Our decisions on how best to use the Sports Premium are based on the findings of high quality research and publications, including Ofsted's best practice guides. These have supported our decision on expenditure over the best and most effective use of our Sport Premium Funding.
We believe that: -
- All of our children should and will benefit from the teaching and learning opportunities that Sport Premium funding provides.
- Appropriate provision is made for all pupils belonging to vulnerable groups, including those who are from socially and economically disadvantaged groups.
- Our Sport Premium funding should be spent according to 'best value' principles and related to activities which research suggests will make the very best use of the finances available.
- As many children as possible should represent the school in a sporting team.
We participate in: -
- Football
- Tag Rugby
- Quicksticks Hockey
- Swimming
- Indoor Athletics and Outdoor Athletics
- Cross Country
- Netball
- Gymnastics
- Rounders
- Cricket
- Dance
- Golf
Our sports curriculum grows and develops with ideas from our own children, via the School Council. The `Daily Mile' is part of our school day and integral to our sports curriculum. Our detailed impact report for 2020/21 can be found here for how the Sports Premium budget has been allocated this year.
Sport Premium 2019-20
Our detailed impact report can be found here for how the Sports Premium budget has been allocated.
Sports funding has been targeted for:
- Daily Mile
- Purchase of new sports equipment
- Providing structured clubs
- Beach Schools
- Staff CPD
- Specialist sports coach
- Additional swimming sessions
- Running track maintenance
- Transport costs to sporting events
Sport Premium 2018-19
2018 - 2019 Allocation = £16640
Sports funding has been targeted for:
- Specialist sports coaches £650
- Local Sports Package Subscription £1493
- Visit to Peat Rigg Outdoor Education Centre £80
- Contribution to installation of running track £8500
- Contribution to installation of fitness equipment £1000
- Contribution to cost of scooter shed £200
- Contribution to cost of new playground markings £437
- Enhanced outdoor sports equipment £500
- PE specialist staff training £660
- Additional swimming sessions £1000
- Transport costs to competitions and events £1000
- Hit the Surf £120
- Additional lunchtime staff to train Play Leaders £500
- Contribution to transport cost residential visit £500
Sport Premium 2017-18
2017 - 2018 Allocation = £16640
Sports funding has been targeted for:
- Specialist sports coaches £2410
- Local Sports Package Subscription £1493
- Installation of running track (and training) £8660
- Enhanced outdoor sports equipment £200
- PE specialist staff training £660
- Box2Bfit and Skip2Bfit resources £420
- New healthy eating club £120
- Transport costs to competitions and events £1900
- Sports equipment £653
- Hit the Surf £120