When you use the internet in school, your teachers help you to stay safe by teaching you about online risks.
When using the internet, always follow the five rules below:
Always tell a trusted adult if anything online upsets or worries you.
We want to ensure that our children stay safe when working online and have very clear reporting routes in place so they can raise any concerns whilst online. Please report any online concerns to and your concerns will be forwarded to the correct person.
Click here for the online safety information leaflet for parents.
In school, a system of filters and procedures support E-safety and children are frequently reminded how to stay safe. They are also taught what to do if they have any concerns about something they have seen or heard online.
The following information is intended to help families keep children safe whilst using the internet at home. At the bottom of the page, you will will find links to various external websites and sources of support.
Meanwhile, please let us know if you have any concerns at all about E-safety. Our staff are very experienced in recognising and dealing with E-safety challenges.
The first thing to consider, is the device itself. How are children being supervised and if they are working independently, what controls can parents put in place to keep their children safe? The North Yorkshire Children's Safeguarding Board includes a wealth of information on this issue. Click the image below to access the site.
The Think U Know website includes a wide range of video resources to support E-safety. Parents and Carers can also access Home Activity Packs, which provide opportunities to explore online safety together with children. Click on the image below to find Think U Know.
The NSPCC has a wide range of information for parents which can be accessed here. It can be hard to know how to talk to your child about online safety. From setting up parental controls to advice on sexting, online games and video apps, the NSPCC can help you to understand the risks and keep your child safe.
When you use the internet in school, your teachers help you to stay safe by teaching you about online risks.
When using the internet, always follow the five rules below:
Always tell a trusted adult if anything online upsets or worries you.
We want to ensure that our children stay safe when working online and have very clear reporting routes in place so they can raise any concerns whilst online. Please report any online concerns to and your concerns will be forwarded to the correct person.
Click here for the online safety information leaflet for parents.
In school, a system of filters and procedures support E-safety and children are frequently reminded how to stay safe. They are also taught what to do if they have any concerns about something they have seen or heard online.
The following information is intended to help families keep children safe whilst using the internet at home. At the bottom of the page, you will will find links to various external websites and sources of support.
Meanwhile, please let us know if you have any concerns at all about E-safety. Our staff are very experienced in recognising and dealing with E-safety challenges.
The first thing to consider, is the device itself. How are children being supervised and if they are working independently, what controls can parents put in place to keep their children safe? The North Yorkshire Children's Safeguarding Board includes a wealth of information on this issue. Click the image below to access the site.
The Think U Know website includes a wide range of video resources to support E-safety. Parents and Carers can also access Home Activity Packs, which provide opportunities to explore online safety together with children. Click on the image below to find Think U Know.
The NSPCC has a wide range of information for parents which can be accessed here. It can be hard to know how to talk to your child about online safety. From setting up parental controls to advice on sexting, online games and video apps, the NSPCC can help you to understand the risks and keep your child safe.
When you use the internet in school, your teachers help you to stay safe by teaching you about online risks.
When using the internet, always follow the five rules below:
Always tell a trusted adult if anything online upsets or worries you.
We want to ensure that our children stay safe when working online and have very clear reporting routes in place so they can raise any concerns whilst online. Please report any online concerns to and your concerns will be forwarded to the correct person.
Click here for the online safety information leaflet for parents.
In school, a system of filters and procedures support E-safety and children are frequently reminded how to stay safe. They are also taught what to do if they have any concerns about something they have seen or heard online.
The following information is intended to help families keep children safe whilst using the internet at home. At the bottom of the page, you will will find links to various external websites and sources of support.
Meanwhile, please let us know if you have any concerns at all about E-safety. Our staff are very experienced in recognising and dealing with E-safety challenges.
The first thing to consider, is the device itself. How are children being supervised and if they are working independently, what controls can parents put in place to keep their children safe? The North Yorkshire Children's Safeguarding Board includes a wealth of information on this issue. Click the image below to access the site.
The Think U Know website includes a wide range of video resources to support E-safety. Parents and Carers can also access Home Activity Packs, which provide opportunities to explore online safety together with children. Click on the image below to find Think U Know.
The NSPCC has a wide range of information for parents which can be accessed here. It can be hard to know how to talk to your child about online safety. From setting up parental controls to advice on sexting, online games and video apps, the NSPCC can help you to understand the risks and keep your child safe.
When you use the internet in school, your teachers help you to stay safe by teaching you about online risks.
When using the internet, always follow the five rules below:
Always tell a trusted adult if anything online upsets or worries you.
We want to ensure that our children stay safe when working online and have very clear reporting routes in place so they can raise any concerns whilst online. Please report any online concerns to and your concerns will be forwarded to the correct person.
Click here for the online safety information leaflet for parents.
In school, a system of filters and procedures support E-safety and children are frequently reminded how to stay safe. They are also taught what to do if they have any concerns about something they have seen or heard online.
The following information is intended to help families keep children safe whilst using the internet at home. At the bottom of the page, you will will find links to various external websites and sources of support.
Meanwhile, please let us know if you have any concerns at all about E-safety. Our staff are very experienced in recognising and dealing with E-safety challenges.
The first thing to consider, is the device itself. How are children being supervised and if they are working independently, what controls can parents put in place to keep their children safe? The North Yorkshire Children's Safeguarding Board includes a wealth of information on this issue. Click the image below to access the site.
The Think U Know website includes a wide range of video resources to support E-safety. Parents and Carers can also access Home Activity Packs, which provide opportunities to explore online safety together with children. Click on the image below to find Think U Know.
The NSPCC has a wide range of information for parents which can be accessed here. It can be hard to know how to talk to your child about online safety. From setting up parental controls to advice on sexting, online games and video apps, the NSPCC can help you to understand the risks and keep your child safe.