Class 3 currently includes children in Year 4, 5 and 6. The class is taught by Mr Evans, with support from Mrs Ward and Ms Teleron.
In Class 3 we aim to make school an enjoyable place where children feel safe. The children in Class 3 learn through an engaging and exciting curriculum, where learning is fun and enjoyable, allowing the children to learn through practical experiences as often as possible. Class 3 is a place where every child is treated equally and is valued. The children are all provided with a wide variety of learning opportunities, both indoor and outdoor, allowing them to explore a range of different activities.
The classroom displays are child friendly, providing children with a variety of information which links with the current work. Children’s work is also celebrated around the classroom, often being pinned to walls and shown around the class, with writing being celebrated in assembly each week.
Positive reinforcements are used frequently in Class 3. Rewards are given out for fantastic behaviour, work and effort. Children are chosen each Friday to meet with the headteacher where they can talk about their achievements in `Hot Choc Friday'.
Class 3 always try to be positive role models for other children around school and demonstrate their excellent attitude to learning in everything they do.
General information
PE: Our PE lesson is every Tuesday and children are asked to come into school wearing their PE kit on this day. PE kit should include black/navy shorts or jogging bottoms and white t-shirt; all this should be clearly named and labelled. Hair should be tied back, and any earrings should be removed. On Thursday, children need to bring their swimming kits with them during the Autumn Term.
TTRS/Numbots: All children have access to TTRS and Numbots. These apps support children with mental recall of number bonds and times-tables. Children have their login details in their reading records.
We ask that children read at home every night and record this in their reading records. Please ensure that reading records are brought to school on a daily basis. Times Table books will be given out on a Monday and need to be returned to school by Friday.
Autumn Term
In English, our new text is called ‘The Whale' by Ethan and Vita Murrow. This text has been chosen as good starting point to prompt the children's imagination and allow them to write for a range of purposes.
In Maths, we are focusing on ‘Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, and Multiplication and Division’ this term. As a class, we will be recapping what has been covered over the previous year and learning new skills which will help to develop the children’s understanding of these areas of Mathematics.
Our topic for this term is 'Dynamic Dynasties'. This project teaches children about the history of ancient China, focusing primarily on the Shang Dynasty, and explores the lasting legacy of the first five Chinese dynasties, some of which can still be seen in the world today.
Curriculum Autumn Term Overview - Year 4