Intent: For children to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes needed in order to keep themselves healthy and safe whilst preparing them for life and work.
Here at Seton pupils are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of activities, enabling them to make significant contributions to both life in school and within the wider community. This allows them to become aware of their skills and talents, develop their self-worth, learn to work as part of a team and take greater responsibility for their own learning. In doing so, they are able to reflect and evaluate on how they are making progress. Our curriculum provides pupils with the means to handle many of the social, cultural, spiritual, physical and moral issues that occur throughout life.
PSHE helps pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow children to participate fully, and contribute positively, to life in modern Britain. Pupils learn to respect similarities and differences between our diverse cultures in order to build successful and meaningful friendships and relationships that are vital to the world we live in.
PSHE & RSE Curriculum Information for Parents
Click here to see our PSHE policy 23/24
Click here to see our PSHE Curriculum Progression document 23/24
Click here to see our Consent Progression document 2023/2024