Key Information

School Information

We are situated in the small village of Staithes just off the A174 which links Teesside to Whitby. The small seaside village famous for its links with Captain James Cook, is a popular holiday resort and attracts many day visitors throughout the year.

The original school opened in 1879, however the present building was purpose built and was opened in 1985.  Since then a purpose built Foundation unit and a well stocked library have been added.

The school has approximately 60 children on roll, with 3 mixed age classes:

Foundation Unit (Early Years and Year 1), Class 2 (Years 2 and 3), and Class 3  (Years 4, 5 and 6).

What we lack in size we more than make up for in our provision!  We know our children and their families very well and we strive to provide the very best experiences for them through our friendly approach.  Our curriculum is designed to provide many opportunities for our community to learn together and to broaden our horizons.  Our core values of Ambition, Community and Excellence were created in partnership with our families and they are woven through all that we do at Seton.  

We are a happy and fun loving school with high standards and expectations.  Our team of talented and dedicated staff all work together to provide the best possible education for the children in our care.  We recognise that children have individual needs and our aim is to provide a happy, caring environment where everybody is valued and encouraged to their full potential.  The children here are known well and individuality is highly valued.  A wide range of teaching styles are used to ensure that all children are able to access all aspects of a broad and balanced curriculum.

In March 2024, Ofsted judged our school to be 'Good'.  (To read full report click here.)  Inspectors recognised that we are outstanding in three areas:  Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes.  We are very proud of our ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum and the many opportunities our children have to excel academically, creatively and in sport.  Our lessons motivate pupils to learn and help to prepare them for the wider world.  

The school is pro-active in promoting a healthy lifestyle, with daily physical exercise being an expectation for all children, through our Daily Mile initiative.  Our Beach School curriculum not only enhances the children's learning in Science, Geography, PE and Art, but also provides us with a wonderful resource to support children's mental health and wellbeing.  Children are encouraged to have a healthy school meal in the middle of the day and we provide a fruit snack at mid-afternoon break for infants.  We have a wide range of play equipment, which children use at play times and a safety surface fitted with large climbing equipment. The PE curriculum includes games, gymnastics, dance, yoga, athletics and games, with many opportunities to take part in competitive sport with our neighbouring schools.

We love to celebrate each other's achievements in our Celebration Assemblies.  Every child can earn stickers, certificates and trophies for good work, good behaviour, co-operative play and being helpful.  Children are regularly chosen to enjoy `Hot Chocolate Friday' with the Head Teacher, to celebrate those children who relentlessly model high standards of behaviour.

Seton Foundation Unit prides itself in offering many forms of play to help children become confident learners in the future.  The provision was awarded the Early Years Quality Mark in 2024.  Practitioners organise the time, space and activities in the daily routine to reflect the overall combination which best supports children's well-being and learning.  Skilled adults interact with the children, selecting the approach that is best for the developmental stage of the children, and for individuals and groups, to enhance their learning - a crucial ingredient in children making good progress. 

A vibrant and well-attended Breakfast and After School Club provides FREE childcare for children from Reception to Year 6.   Invitations to our families to join us for breakfast are a regular treat!    Our families are important partners in our school community and we love to invite them in for our weekly family assemblies, for special workshops and for social events. 

Thank you for your interest in our school.  If you would like any further information or would like to visit the school, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01947 840257.